Making a Mark through the Gift of Learning

Tiwala Kids & Communities believes that education is fundamental to a bright future. Many of our programs are geared towards instilling the love for learning among children in need, helping them improve their academic skills, and providing educational assistance. We find great joy in seeing children embrace and enjoy the value of education in their lives.

One of these children is Mabeth, one of the eight Tiwala full scholars graduating from elementary school on April 6. Mabeth and her mom were from Rapu-Rapu Island and migrated to Legazpi City in 2010 because of domestic violence. When Tiwala first met Mabeth seven years ago, she had dropped out of school and was just attending Tiwala’s supplemental classes in her village. Her mother said she could not afford to enroll her in school. Thus, Tiwala awarded Mabeth a scholarship grant which covers fees, uniforms, supplies, projects, snacks, and other incidental expenses.

Mabeth during a Tiwala tutorial and mentoring session
It was not easy for Mabeth to graduate from elementary school. She faced significant challenges: learning in an overcrowded public school that lacked proper facilities, taking care of younger siblings while coping with demanding school work, living in a 10 sq. meter house in a dangerous slum community, and being left in charge of their small sari-sari store when her mother was not around.

One-on-one mentoring played a crucial role in helping Mabeth overcome these hurdles. Every week, a Tiwala staff met with her for tutorials and counselling. The staff also worked closely with her classroom teachers to monitor her school performance. Moreover, Mabeth’s mom was enlisted in Tiwala’s family strengthening sessions so that she could be encouraged in her role in raising her kids well. It was indeed a team effort to help Mabeth stay and succeed in school. That’s why celebrating her elementary graduation is a momentous event for us at Tiwala – we are delighted to see her life change from an out-of-school kid to someone who is determined to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse someday.

Our full scholars this school year (two are not in the photo). Eight of them are graduating from elementary school on April 6.
Your prayers, partnership, and support have enabled us to make a mark in the lives of children like Mabeth. Thank you so much for choosing to invest in these precious kids and give them the gift of learning. May the Lord continue to reward you for your generosity and compassion for the children and communities we serve.

Forever grateful,

Tiwala Team