Sources of Strength
Dear Friends,
We hope you had an awesome January! We at Tiwala Kids & Communities welcomed 2019 with gratitude for all the blessings we received in 2018. As we looked forward to what the Lord was showing us He wanted us to be and do this new year, we took time to make an inventory of the things that enable us to be strong as an organization. Here’s a list of what we came up with:
Faithful Partners
The Christmas parties we celebrated last December for more than 400 children and parents were made memorable through the help of various donors who stepped up and donated all the resources needed. These people were all testaments to God’s faithful provision to Tiwala through the years.
And of course, we value each one of you who have stood beside us through the years, extending material and spiritual support to us, so we could carry out our mission of building strong foundations in the lives of our beneficiaries.
The Lord continues to surprise us and bless us as well through additional people whom He brings to us who have a similar burden and vision to reach out to the underprivileged children and families here. Just last week we received a text message from someone we did not know asking for directions to our office. In a few hours, a group of tourists showed up bringing 100 school supply kits they wanted to donate to Tiwala kids! It was truly a surprise for all of us and a reminder of God’s love for the children of Tiwala.
We also continue to work in partnership with two schools, three churches, and seven communities in order to effectively run our programs. Without their assistance and collaboration, it would be difficult for us to make a significant impact in the lives of hundreds of children and families here in Bicol.
Word-Induced Programs for Children
One of the core values of Tiwala is its commitment to teaching the Word of God to its beneficiaries. We believe that genuine transformation can only come about as one’s mind is renewed with God’s truth and he/she acts on it. As such, we integrate biblical principles in our programs: we teach a Bible-based curriculum for our weekend classes, conduct discipleship sessions among the youth, and help our Tiwala scholars develop dependence on the Lord in their daily lives. All of this aims to lay the Word of God as the foundation in the lives of the Tiwala children and youth. We count it a privilege to witness firsthand how their mindsets and habits are changing as they live out God’s Word.
Parental Commitment
Our community Bible studies among the parents of the children also seek to impart a biblical worldview, as well as increase the connections and trust among the attendees, build resilience, and point them to God, who is the only real source of strength and every good thing. We have seen many of the women attending the sessions grow in their faith in the Lord and in their commitment to nurturing their families according to God’s way. It is fulfilling to watch God’s work of transformation in their lives!
Our Faithful God
Above all, we count on the help of our Heavenly Father. We recognize that everything we have is a gift from Him: our lives, abilities, material resources, children and parents, and partners. We are just His stewards tasked to manage them in a manner that would bring the most glory to Him. The name of our organization – Tiwala – which is the Filipino word for trust – serves as a constant reminder for us that we are to always depend on the Lord for everything we need to be and do. He is the One who will faithfully lead and provide for His work. Our heartfelt prayer is that He will continue to find us faithful to His call as we enter this new year.
Thank you for partnering with us in this ministry. We are looking forward to another fruitful year of service. May the Lord also grant you all you need in order to make your 2019 bright and beautiful!
Tiwala Kids & Communities Team